The Division of Economic Development, Investments Section, administers and services loan programs under the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development. These programs were primarily designed to promote economic development through direct state lending in industries and areas of the state that are not adequately serviced by the private sector.
The loan programs include Commercial Fishing, Fisheries Enhancement, Small Business Economic Development, Rural Development Initiative Fund, Microloan, Mariculture, Commercial Charter Fisheries, Community Quota Entity and Capstone Avionics. Assumptions of existing loans are also available to a number of loan programs.
The Division of Economic Development (DED) supports the growth and diversification of Alaska’s economy through business assistance, financing, promotion, and public policy. The division works closely with industry leaders, allied agencies, and economic development organizations across the state, including the 10 state designated Alaska Regional Development Organizations.
Critical to the growth of Alaska’s economy is DED’s support of Alaska’s small businesses through technical assistance and the promotion of Alaska’s manufacturing sector through the Made in Alaska and Alaska Product Preference programs. Equally critical is the provision of capital to businesses that would not otherwise qualify for private-sector lending. DED currently administers revolving loan funds broadly serving Alaska’s small businesses with total assets approaching $200 million.
Showcasing Alaska’s abundant economic opportunity found in its natural resources, human capital, and emerging industries, DED actively promotes Alaska’s business climate via its Alaska: North to Opportunity campaign.
Thinking about starting or growing a business?
The Small Business Assistance Center provides direction for entrepreneurs, start-ups, and existing businesses in Alaska. The following links will guide you to helpful business resources:
Events/Training Alaska’s Marketing and Export Support ProgramsPreference Programs and ProcurementFinancing Your Small BusinessFor-Profit BusinessesLicenses, Permits, FormsBusiness Taxes & Tax InformationBusiness CompetitionsAlaska IndustriesNon-Profit BusinessesTarget Market Research
For free counseling to develop and fine tune your business or marketing plan, visit the Alaska Small Business Development Center or the Cooperative Extension Service nearest you.
The mission of the Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing is to ensure that competent, professional and regulated commercial services are available to Alaska consumers.
Find information, FAQs, forms, How To, Check Your Entity Status, and online services for Business, Professional, Non-Profit, Religious, and Cooperative Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Limited Partnerships, Limited Liability Partnerships, Trademarks, and Business Name Reservations and Registrations.
Find information, FAQs, forms, How To Get Licensed, Check Your Business License Status, and online services for State Business Licenses and Endorsements.
In the Professional Licensing section you will find a list of all the occupations that require a professional license in the State of Alaska, and information, applications, and online services for all State professional licensing sections and boards.
Investigations review and investigate complaints concerning violations of the Statutes and Regulations that govern Professional and Business Licenses. Investigations may include fraud, malpractice, negligence, misconduct, ethics and noncompliance of various licensing provisions. Unless the investigation results in public action, contents of an investigation are kept confidential.